Everything can be said ... in a look  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





Truth be told ... us the humans ... speak too much.

... much too much.

Some of us ... are doing it ... non stop ... in all types of relationships we have.

In fact we speak so much ... that nobody is listening anymore.

And if you live with such impression that someone is really listening you ... most certainly ... they are just pretending.

Or ... manipulating you ... that is really interested of what you are saying.

I've done this charade of listening ... nonsenses ... but into the end ... i think it was obvious... i am not really interested about those talks.

I was ... not connected enough.

And ... not even wanted it.

But ... still .... I was speaking a lot.

I had lots of weird theories which i wanted to say to everyone.

Like ... an idiot.

Indeed there are people believing that the real definition of an idiot is the man with lots of ideas.



... like me.

Unfortunately ... or fortunately i speak mainly about nonsenses.

I love the nonsense.

I ... adore it.

It totally defines ... my whole existence.

Today .... somehow i live with the strong feeling that nobody is really listening to myself... on the stage of the real life.

I speak too much ... about weirdness.

I could speak to the walls.

... and i could get a much better reaction.

But ... i've decided to write ... all being sort of a self therapy.

And ... on the stage of the real life ... i try to convince myself ... that i need to shut up.

Or maybe i should say ... practice the silence in its absolute form.


On the other hand i try to speak more telepathic.

In fact ... i try to express all ... with my eyes.

Somehow ... it is really unbelievable ... cause they've started to pay more and more attention to me.


Maybe it's true ... that all can be expressed ... in a look.

Connecting eyes ... i am connecting to their souls .... and ...

Yes ... they feel me.

They feel ... all those strong emotions and perceptions from my soul.

... not considering me anymore .... ridiculous.



Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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